Five on Friday!

It’s Friday, its a holiday weekend, and its 85 degrees and sunny. What more could a girl ask for going into a what should be a great weekend?! But before we get to this weekend, there were some good things that happened this week!

ONE :: I finally got a hair cut, it was much needed There was what looked like a small dog on the floor when my hairdresser swept up all that she cut off. She even was able to thin it out, and for someone with thick hair about to go into the heat of summer, having shorter, lighter hair is AWESOME!

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TWO :: It is almost peak strawberry season here in the Northeast. One of my favorite seasons. While binge watching the last season of Breaking Bad a few nights this week, I munched on my favorite late night snack of strawberries with a little powdered sugar.. so tasty!

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THREE :: I love to support the children’s hospital I used to work for whenever I can. This past Wednesday, all the Dunkin Donuts in New Hampshire donated a portion of their proceeds on iced coffee to the children’s hospital. I made sure I got out there and got an iced coffee.. then shamelessly made sure my family and friends did as well!

FOUR :: One of my favorite places to grab dinner and drinks is a Caribbean restaurant in our town called Bahama Breeze. It’s so yummy. I went out for dinner and drinks with some friends one night this week and enjoyed some nice island drinks.

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FIVE :: S was away since Saturday on a guys trip and as much as much as I enjoyed a few days of alone time, it was so sweet to finally see him last night when he got home. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, but I love when he’s by my side.

Summer ME

There is something about Spring and Summer that makes me want to start fresh. It happens in the Fall as well, pretty much every season. However, this Spring and Summer I have more time to focus on starting fresh because I’m stuck in the house with copious amounts of time.. bleh. Now some of you might think “Courtney.. are you crazy, I would love to have all that time to myself..” but bite your tongue because after just 2 weeks of being home and having limited mobility, I am not enjoying just sitting around by myself. However, it does give me some good time to plan out blog posts and actually post!

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One of my summer goals is to take better care of my skin. It is important to me to have healthy skin and to say I have been lax with my morning and evening routines recently is an understatement. So I started thinking about how I could improve my routine easily and here is what I came up with…

Drink more water 

I know.. 8 glasses of water a day will keep you healthy and hydrated. And sure, drinking water is relatively easy. However I find myself getting bored with just plain water and therefore stop drinking as much as I should. So I have tried to infuse it and it makes a huge difference. Lemon, cucumber, ginger.. it makes it must tastier. Try it!

Wash my face

Morning and night. Between splashing cold water on my face in the morning before my lotion and make-up routine to either using a scrub or facial wipe before my evening routine to get rid of make-up and anything that could clog my pores, I have noticed a huge difference in my skin. Next I want to focus on not just my face, but ALL my skin.


I have been nagging my boyfriend (who works outside all day every day) to wear spf on a daily basis so he doesn’t ruin his pretty skin. I even went as far as to buy him a daily moisturizer with spf in it to see if it makes a difference. He was reluctant at first, but seems to have made some progress. I wear spf every day (even in the winter, the sun still shines) it’s easy when its in your facial moisturizer. Take action to keep you’re skin protected from harsh rays from the sun.


I will admit, I am so bad at taking good care of my hair. Between my thick hair and my job (think kids who constantly try to grab and rip your hair out) my hair is usually just thrown up in a messy bun. The ends are damaged and split and its just dull. Tomorrow I go for a much needed hair cut and I can’t wait, inches will be coming off and I will be sure to share with you after!

It’s a start, but if I can stick with this routine I am hoping to progress to a healthier, happier me!


Weekend Wrap-Up

This weekend was a perfect, relaxing yet entertaining weekend. There is little fun that can be had being in a brace from your hip to your ankle and hobbling around on crutches. I was determined to make this weekend fun while being a little sidelined.

I started my weekend a little early on Friday (because why not?).. I watched the movie The Choice in the afternoon and had all the emotional feels. If you haven’t seen it you definitely should.. but you should read the book (by Nicholas Sparks) first, because its amazing and I couldn’t put it down.

My brother – who always said he was going to skip his senior prom because “why even bother?” – went to his girlfriend’s senior prom on Friday. I can’t thank his girlfriend enough for dragging him to prom and allowing us to take all the pictures we could beforehand!

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Saturday was filled with Lazy naps and some reading (The Girl On The Train) but finished with a bang at one of my favorite Caribbean restaurants with friends.

Sunday was a perfectly rainy cozy day filled with watching the rest of Breaking Bad.

What did you do this weekend?


Summer Goals 2016

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It might be only 60 degrees at the moment.. but its getting to be the end of May (say what?!) and I’m going to consider that Summer. As I sit here post surgery, flipping the channels between Good Morning America and the Today Show.. am I the only one that can’t choose between the two?.. I have decided that I want to make a few Summer goals. Not a lot, just some that are manageable.

I currently cannot walk and refer to the lovely crutches I am using as “sticks” but once I get off the sticks I want to get back to being active. ACL surgery really puts a new perspective on how much I took my independence and ability to move for granted. I can’t wait to get off the couch and MOVE.

So here goes some Summer goals..

:: read 3 books, I hope that I can read at least (or only) 3 books this summer. I have already started by reading The Girl On The Train. I’m only 20% through the book and completely hooked. I can’t put the book down! We’ll see what book I pick up next, I don’t really have list yet.. so if you have any suggestions, let me know!

:: take better care of my skin, don’t go to bed without taking my make up off and moisturizing.

:: hydrate more.. this is always on my list.

:: hike a mountain, albeit small because I will have to take it easy when I can finally walk again.

:: take more pictures, and not just of my adorable boyfriend and the dog, but capture more things that I do and what makes me smile (again, aside from S and the dog).

:: make more time for friends, as well as myself.

Alright, I will stop there to see if I can accomplish those small goals before I continue on a grander spectrum!

Happy (almost) Summer!


Oh Hey There!

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Well here it’s been another few months since I have been here. I miss this place. I miss what blogging used to bring to my life. After being sidelined for an ACL injury and surgery in my near future, I am going to be on the couch recuperating for a little while here. I decided what a good time to try and get back into the whole blogging life. We’ll see how it goes.

So why not start with a current events post and get you updated on whats going on in my life..

loving:: all the fresh Spring flowers. There have been an endless flow of  tulips in my house for the last couple weeks and its so refreshing considering I have been confined to the couch since the beginning of April.

Reading:: I don’t know if you can consider it “reading” but I have been opening the book 13 Hours for the last couples months now. I’m still on the first couple pages.. oops!

Watching:: My boyfriend and I just finished the first season of Billions. It was soo good and we are looking forward to the next season, hopefully we don’t have to wait too long!

Eating:: An Edible Arrangement thanks to my best friends. They graciously sent me a Get-Well arrangement and it is oh-so delicious.. Fresh strawberries and pineapples for daysss.

Looking forward to:: A few days in Bar Harbor, Maine. We are going up to celebrate my boyfriend’s birthday and I can’t wait to get off the couch and out of town with him. Followed close behind by my best friend’s bridal shower, so excited to spend some quality girl time with my favorite girls!

Craving:: Some spring weather. Up here in New England mother nature can’t decide if it is the middle of winter or summer.. please pick summer soon, I’m dying for some fresh air!

Wearing:: All the leggings.. like I had to go by more because its all that fits under the knee brace I have to wear right now. Albeit they are comfortable, I look forward to the day when I can wear jeans and sandals.

That’s about all I can think of right now!

See you guys here tomorrow!


1 hot boy, FUN, and 2016.

Well so here it is.. 9:13 pm on January 10th. I have been saying I need to get on the ol’ blog here and make something happen for about… the last 10 days. But I was too busy doing whatever the heck I was doing. Honestly, I have no idea what I was doing exactly. Aside from skiing and spending time with my friends. But come to think of it.. if I haven’t been on this blog in a few weeks because I am outside having fun with my friends, than I am a-okay with life.

So 2015 was a good year to me. I believe I dubbed it as the year I was going to get in shape. HAHAHA. So I can’t say that goal was a complete wash because well, I did get a trainer and 2015 started off strong.. but I think around April that slowly started to fade out and I was back to my usual lazy self. I’ve decided I’m tired of the damn pressure I put on myself to be “perfect.” The anxiety it gives me is just nauseating. Hell, I just want to have fun.

My definition of fun… (don’t gag, this might be A LITTLE corny..)


Yea I know, he’s a total fox. He’s got devilish good looks and an even better heart. Hold on.. I might have just gagged myself a little bit with all that cheesiness. But come on, how can you not… and for the record, I’m talking about the insanely gorgeous ski slope behind that mediocre man.

Obviously, I’m totally kidding..

So this is “S,” we will call him for all intents and purposes.. mostly because I didn’t exactly tell him I was going to plaster his hot grin all over my blog today, however I’m pretty sure I could talk him into forgiving me if he really does have a problem with it. But he is my definition of fun for the time being. Not necessarily “he” physically (although, that is fun too) but for the last 6 months or so if I could bottle up most of the fun I have had (aside from a killer trip with my college roommates out west and a pretty amazing NYE weekend) it basically is all the time I have spent with him.

I can just imagine the shit eating grin he is going to have on his face when he reads this, I will never live what just came from my fingertips down.. ever.

But regardless, 2016 is here along with my 26th year of life and with that I have decided that this year is going to be the year of FUN. Because what else do you do when you’re in that hellish limbo between still feeling like a kid and actually being an adult. 2015 was the year of changes; moves, new jobs, new friends and one hell of a ride. I’m ditching the goals and resolutions because nothing really comes from those anyways. 2016 is going to be pure enjoyment with maybe a splash of adulthood…but mostly fun.


you see.. adulthood at its finest.

and with that.. it’s bed time because despite still being childish, I’m an old lady and need my 8 hours of sleep.


Holiday Traditions That Will Never Die

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Can you believe it is already December? I woke up with extreme excitement yesterday. It is like Christmas threw up all over the month of December and I love every minute of it. There is no such thing as too much Christmas spirit, but if there was.. I might be borderline crazy.

Christmas music begins 24/7 on December 1, in my house, my car, my boyfriends car, and gym playlist.. can’t. get. enough!

I both look forward to and dread christmas cookie day.. the one day every christmas season that my mom and I bake countless batches of christmas cookies to spread cheer to our family, friends, and coworkers. Its always a great idea until you are 6 batches into cookies and covered in dough and flour.. but the result of our hard work is oh so delicious.

Decorating the Christmas tree is one of the biggest highlights of my holiday season. It is one of my favorite traditions.

25 Days of Christmas on ABC Family is always on in the evenings and I will never miss the classics like Santa Claus Is Coming To Town, Rudolph, and The Little Drummer Boy.

Christmas pajamas are worn throughout the entire month of December.

As much as I try to be on top of my shopping, I will always procrastinate and wait until the last possible minute to finish my shopping **However this year I already have 2 people shopped for!**

Balsam and cinnamon scented everything.

Christmas lights will be strung every where… in excess.

The dogs will be dressed to impress in their small santa hats and reindeer antlers.. they will hate it, but we will love it and take lots of pictures.

I will struggle not to have mint hot chocolate every night from now until January first. It’s just so darn good and screams “Happy Holidays!” in a mug.

Home Alone will be watched at least 5 times. I will laugh just as hard each time.

but lastly..

I will spend the month of December loving the holiday season and all it brings. That sounds super corny.. but its the best time with my favorite people.




What I Have Learned From My Students

I never expected myself to work with kids with autism. I especially never expected to absolutely love a job where I work with kids with autism. To be completely honest, it intimidated me a little bit. I did’t know much about autism before I started working where I currently do. All I really knew was that some kids could have behavioral struggles and some mild aggression. Was I wrong… Behavioral struggles are a definite and mild aggression is an understatement.

Who would have thought I would come to actually love this job. I was hesitant at first… will I struggle to form a bond with these children, will I be taken seriously, will I get hurt? So many questions ran through my head as I started my first week. I’m pretty sure I walked into the school with a seriously scared look plastered on my face. Not to mention we were slammed with a pre-test the in the first hour of orientation. After a long week of training, I passed the post test with flying colors, however I still am ashamed of my 20% that I earned on the first one.

In the six weeks that I have worked as a behavioral therapist I have learned so much about autism, kids and myself..

— I am more resilient than I think I am

— kids are more resilient than they look… and much stronger

— 5 year olds try to dress themselves and it is the funniest thing ever

— Autism isn’t so scary if you have the correct knowledge and right resources

— I have always thought I am an “organized” person.. I was wrong

— I am much more organized now

— I have four students that I love more than myself and they make me so proud (and here I was thinking I would struggle to form a relationship with these kiddos)

— Kids can yell really loud… like break the sound barrier

— school bus drivers are just as mean as I thought they were in grade school… why?

— reinforcers such as candy or toys can get you out of a lot of tense situations

— Kids are smart, so so so smart.

I am grateful for a job that I enjoy going to and the work that my school does to support kids and families with autism.



A Look Into Our Holiday Weekend

It is 5:30 at night on the Sunday after Thanksgiving and I’m idling between “I had the best weekend with my family and friends and don’t want it to end” and “I need to get ready for this upcoming week and do laundry, and make my lunch but I am procrastinating.”

But for real, this has been a holiday weekend for the books.

Wednesday afternoon my family (and boyfriend) hopped in the car and headed to my aunt and uncle’s house in Connecticut. We ate drank and were merry for three whole days. I wish I could say that I took a bunch of pictures, but I didn’t… only one…


I am so thankful for this guy right here. Who would have known thirteen years after meeting each other in 7th grade homeroom we would end up together. He was such a great sport for traveling and spending the holiday with my family and I.

I am also thankful for the opportunity to spend time time with my family and the ones I love over the holiday.

My hometown was buzzing with holiday spirit last night as everyone got together on Main street to drink their “end of Thanksgiving” blues away at the Holiday Stroll. I whine and complain every year about not wanting to go, I don’t like the awkward run-ins with people you went to grade school with or your high school crush. When I found out that a few of my friends that I haven’t seen in a while were attending I agreed to go for just a little bit. We didn’t get home until midnight and we were slow to get up this morning… but I had a good time and although I complained all weekend about not wanting to go, I will probably go next year as well.

This morning after struggling to remove ourselves from our bed we were up for mimosas and cinnamon rolls to prepare ourselves for the adventure of cutting down a christmas tree. I talked my boyfriend and his roommate into bypassing the traditional grocery store parking lot tree and finding a farm that you can cut down your own tree. They humored me and off we went..


They humored me again as I made them pose for pictures with the dog before we cut the tree down. I was trying too hard to be “that family” at the tree farm… but we were adorable and the boys can agree.


Here’s to making new traditions!

Happy Holidays!!


Life Starts All Over Again

… when it gets crisp in the Fall. – F. Scott Fitzgerald.

I could not find a better quote to define my life these days. Aside from the fact that Fall is my all time favorite season for the obvious reasons – pumpkin patches, apple cider, boots, and scarves – this Fall has been especially exciting due to a few new things.

+ New Job – I accepted a position as a behavioral therapist at a school for kids with Autism. I can’t even deny that I was extremely intimidated starting this job. I knew that it was a step in the right direction and that it would be a driving force in my career, but it was totally outside of my comfort zone. I have now completed all my training and can honestly say that I am in a career that is so fulfilling and rewarding.

+ New Boy – I know, you can all pick your jaws off the floor. No but really, he’s a gem and that’s about all I am going to say about that for now.

+ New Wardrobe – Fall clothes galore. When I accepted this new position I said goodbye to the scrub life. Don’t get my wrong, I loved waking up and putting on those roomy and comfortable scrubs but now I actually get to wear normal clothes to work and I couldn’t be more happy. It was a excuse to go on a shopping spree, and spree I did.

+ New Happiness – If you have been following me for any length of time you are probably aware that I take my happiness very seriously. Life is too short to be miserable and just going through life. Not that I wasn’t happy before, but I haven’t felt this good in a long time. I wake up every morning looking forward to work and seeing friends and coming home to my family and someone special. Can a girl get an amen for that!

Happy end of Fall and the beginning of a new, very glamorous holiday season.
